« Glass Baby Bottles - A Safer Choice? | Main | Clean Sweep Part Two: Getting Set-up to Buy in Bulk »

January 31, 2008


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Holly U

Do you have any idea if these will work with Medela nipples? My son has a cleft palate, so we need to use a special Medela-made nipple to feed him. He's eating enough at one feeding now that a bigger bottle would be great! We're trying to avoid feeding him from plastic whenever we can so these glass bottles would be perfect.

Heather G

I'd love to try these with our next baby. I got rid of all our old bottles due to concerns about the plastic. I'd love to have these pretty ones!


Great giveaway! I'm trying to stay away from the plastic but son doesn't like to hold the glass bottles....too cold!


i would love a chance to try these. what a great product!


I have a new baby due in 3 months. After reading about the BPA in plastic bottles and sippy cups I switched my toddler and preschooler to using a Klean Kanteen. It upsets me to think that I used Avent bottles with both of them and that they could possibly have been harmed from it. I plan on using nothing but glass for our newest arrival and would love to have these bottles to get started with.


I would love to try these, because if they are truly easy to use, then I would gladly replace my plastic arsenal with a safer alternative.


My son's daycare won't allow glass bottles. I've asked -- they're willing to consider them *if* they're protected in some way. These might be the perfect solution.


I'd love to try these because I am always afriad my daughter is going to drop her glass bottle!!


I'm not a mom yet but I'm just fascinated by this invention. I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I would love to win this contest so I can give it to my friend, who is expecting a baby in March.

Jenny M

I'd like to try these- after reading about bispyhenol A in the Milwaukee Journal- I threw out our old bottles- as we expect our new baby- Im not sure what bottles to use- so I'd love to test drive these!


I'd love to try these- Im terrified that I will drop the bottle one bleary night and be picking up glass and miss some pieces that our baby will come across!

Laura  @ Laura Williams' Musings

I'd like to win this for my friend that is expecting. This will be her 6th and she needs something new for the baby as there is 9 years between her last one and this one.

blogged ya:


Danielle S

Anything that makes my baby safer is fantastic!
dansan826 at yahoo.com

The Not Quite Crunchy Parent

Great post. The whole plastic BPA controversy is sending many parents back to glass...these holders are a great idea...couldn't you knit one yourself too?


What a great concept - so glad for an alternative to plastics! We're trying for #3 and have plenty of preggo friends to educate! :)


I have heard of these but never tried them. I got rid of all my bottles after my last child and would love to try these with the next one. They are so stylish too!


My kids are adopted, so they've been exclusively bottle-fed. I'd love to use glass bottles for the next one and avoid the risks of plastic bottles.




With the BPA issues, using glass is great but I'm always afraid of dropping the bottle!


i would love to win siliskins bottles because i have been very concerned about the safety of using plastic bottles, because they can leak toxins into your babys drink.


I'd love to try these with my next baby due in Aug. I'm interested in using glass bottles, but worried about breakage. This is a nice solution.

Kathleen W.

I've seen these on other blogs and would love to try them. I intend to breastfeed and supplement with a pump after my baby is due in March and I want to give my son a very healthy diet of breastmilk and no plastic additives. They are also very cool looking bottles, which is the icing on the cake.
Thanks for the giveaway!


I just tossed out a heaping bag full of bottles made with BPA plastics, and am gearing up to replace them bit by bit. These sound wonderful. Like many other posters, I would love to use glass, but have worried about the risk of breakage. Plus, these look really cool! Thanks for making this opportunity available.


plastic bottles have always kinda scared me and now I know why. I would love to try an alternative! Thanks for the helpful post and giveaway...


We're breastfeeding and don't have any bottles on hand in case of needing to pump at some point b/c plastic just scares me! These would be great!

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