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November 24, 2008


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I don't know I how I missed this, but I thought next month's was another holiday carnival. Ho hum. I guess I'll just watch for it (eagerly) and do a response post over at Healthy Child. Should be a good one. I can't wait to see what this amazing community has to say!!

Diane MacEachern

Can I add a few "hopes" to the excellent list you already created? I hope people will truly come before politics in the Obama administration. I hope the discussion about the 'trade-off' between environmental protection and economic prosperity will come to an end. I hope the environmental laws already on the books will be enforced. I hope this isn't too much to ask for!

Anna (Green Talk)

Great list of hopes. I hope that people keep pushing for all of your "hopes" to become a reality. It takes a village.


Good for you for stepping into the sometimes forbidden realm of politics... I think a lot of us have similar high hopes for this administration. The expectations sure are high.


Great list, and so glad to see Kid Safe on it! It's high on mine, as well. If anyone is game for jumping in to the grassroots piece of passing this bill, email me! I'm actively seeking parents around the country who want to see the Kid Safe Chemicals Act pass and are willing to speak up about it. 'Cause I really don't want to need a toxicology degree to buy wipes and dipes, you know?

While shopping our way out of it works to a point, updating TSCA is a real, long-term solution to the problem of untested, potentially hazardous chemicals in our products. I'm at lisa [at] ewg [dot] org and would love to hear from any active-minded parent who is willing to write a letter, submit a LTE, host a house party, coordinate, blog about it, you name it. There's tons more info here: www.ewg.org/kidsafe. I'm thinkin' that with a community of moms like this, Kid Safe should be a slam dunk! Right?

Mother Earth aka Karen Hanrahan

great list of hopes - it wonderfully parallels all the hope Obama created with his campaign - like you I never thought I'd be writing a letter to the president elect - this group is alrady influencial

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