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March 31, 2009


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Jenn (The Green Parent

Hurray for a safer bath time! Well done on the post...I honestly did not know the answer to the diazolidinyl urea/potassium cocoate question. I better brush up on my chemistry!!

Jennifer Taggart, Thesmartmama

Okay, well, I knew the answer to the potassium cocoate quiz . . . but you should be able to trust labeling and advertising claims.


Love the quiz. Obviously, I had not a clue! Agreed that you can't even be sure of so-called 'natural' products - we so need product labeling to be clearer. Perfect summary of the relevant issues.

Eric McErlain

Instead of getting angry, why not read the following articles from individuals who actually read the report from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and found some glaring flaws:



The bottom line: Johnson and Johnson's products are safe, and the irresponsible parties here are the ones who pass on the contents of the report without asking any questions.

Diane MacEachern

And remember: we don't need to buy these products in the first place. Let's use our "purse power" to shift our spending to the safest products available (see www.ewg.org for a list).

Sommer-Green and Clean Mom

This is a great post, thank you for writing something so passionate. I love how you remind us to write to our legislators.

Moonstone Soap - Baby Organic Wash

I agree with you completely, we did a lot of searching before we found a product we would use on our little one! In the UK Johnson and Johnson is sold as the natural soap for babies but in reality its full of nasty chemicals!


Chemist should try to prep up more organic skin care products http://www.myalchemilla.com/ for the current market.


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