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September 03, 2009


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If your tomatoes are still green when it starts to freeze you can pull the whole plant up with tomatoes attached and hang them upside-down in your house or garage. They will ripen over time. We had fresh tomatoes in January one year.


Fresh tomatoes in January?  Wow!  I've heard that they will ripen in a paper bag too. 
Mindful Momma


I'm oven drying cherry tomatoes today: cut in half horizontally, put cut-side up on jelly roll pan, and salted. Then in oven for 6 to 8 hours at 180 to 200 degrees F. I freeze them and make pesto with them in Jan. Spread on some nice French bread, it reminds me of summer.

Janelle Sorensen

Sounds delicious! We have tomatoes coming out of our ears right now, so I'm definitely going to try this out. You should check out Healthy Child's new Eat Healthy site and submit this as a recipe in our database! (and maybe win a prize!)


Niki at spilledingredients.com

Thanks for your recipe - I've only ever roasted at about 450 for 10 minutes or so. I'll try the slow roast method. I've successfully ripened tomatoes in a folded paper bag this year, it works!

A friend just sent me your website, love it and already added your button to my site! I'm another Mpls Mommy forever in search of great resources.

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