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November 05, 2009


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I have some Greek yogurt that I found I don't really like so while most will be used in smoothies this could be a good use for some. Thanks!

Reminds me I need to hurry and get through The Smart Mama's book and hurry and read yours. :)

Hear Mum Roar

What a fantastic, yummy-sounding recipe!


Great way to use up old yogurt!

Heather Prenger

How fun, I can't wait to try it out!

Kim Grustas

Hi Micaela,
I wanted to share this great DIY Scrub Recipe that is perfect for dry winter skin:

1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of almond or grape-seed oil
15 drops of grapefruit essential oil. You may use any other essential oil. If you do not have essential oil you may use lemon for fragrance or use it plain.

Apply to dry skin for maximum exfoliation, or wet skin for less exfoliation.
You can use your hands a shower glove or a loofah to scrub all over your body.
Absolutely Fabulous!

Kim Grustas
Good For You Girls Organic Skin Care

Mom's Best Bets

Love it!!! Though I might want to eat it...Yum
Great blog! Check out my Organic giveaways and more...

Nursing tops

wew! interesting beauty tips. but i guess it's effective coz a lot of woman use this methods and they better feedbacks on this. thanks!


Hi,Thanks a lot for your article i really liked your blog,have a good day.
Very good recipe!!

David Redmond

wow, an eatable face mask, I don't know, I have my pores quite full and I don't think eating it would help me, I hope I can help temptation!
Haha, brilliant idea!


Can this chocolate face mask stay in the refrigerator overnight? We'd like our girls make it an event, bring it home and have the option to use the next day


Hi Marty - Sure, the mask could definitely be used the next day or even a few days later. Hope you enjoy it!



We are doing a Spa night for 6-5 year olds on Saturday. I am going to use this for their facials. Can I put it in a sealed jar to take some home in their treat bags for later use...do you think it needs to be refrigerated the whole time?


Having a slumber party. What's the chance the girls will break out?

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