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March 03, 2010


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I use to say that I don't watch tv that much, which I suppose is true if compared to those around me who have the tv on most hours of the day and night, or who have 2 hours of programming DVR'd per day and spend Saturday watching it all.

But the first week after I got rid of my tv, it was difficult. There were times I wanted to turn on the tv to Planet Green to "see what was on" but the tv wasn't there. I had sold it at the beginning of the week.
My grandparents do keep their tv on (on westerns... 18 hours of westerns and golf!) so I do hear it when working in the office, but I've gotten to the point where I don't figure out what day it is by what's on the telly, and I completely forget that the tv is an option because the only things on (allowed) bore me. I've found so much to do and really do feel better and more productive for it.

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