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April 04, 2010


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Niko Schafer

My favorite egg-dying method is one I learned in Latvia 18 years ago. Wrap dark onion skins around each uncooked egg, secure it with string (sewing thread wound all round it works great), and then boil them as you normally would a batch of eggs. When it's done, unwrap the egg and observe the beautiful color and patterns. Brown skins transfer color well; I've had more trouble with red onion skins.

Kelly the Kitchen Kop

These look gorgeous! I decided this year that it's our last with the fake nasty dyes. (Don't worry, we don't eat the eggs after putting the nasty fake colors on them, I'm too afraid of a little bit seeping through an unseen crack.) I love this great alternative! :)



Niko - Thanks so much for sharing your egg-dyeing technique from Latvia!! I'm going to try this one for sure!


After dying, rub the eggs with a tiny bit of cooking oil. It gives them a sheen that brings out the color, no matter how you dyed them, and they just look prettier.
Don't rub too long or you'll rub the color off.


Great idea Carol! I'll try that next year (this year's eggs are all eaten up!)

Phentermine 37.5

SMART TIP: Instead of watching TV, playing video games, or chatting online, go outside or pick up a good book. The best way to save electricity is not to use it at all.


What did you use for the blue ones?


Growing up we dyed our eggs in a similar manner to Niko. We would wrap parsley around the eggs and secure the herb with pantyhose then boil the eggs in water filled with onion skins. This results in some really beautiful eggs!

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