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September 27, 2010


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Lori Alper

It's one thing to belong to a CSA and another to visit and feel that connection to your food. Looks like a great day! We have belonged to a CSA for years and have yet to visit. You have inspired me and hopefully we will make the trek soon.


You're right Lori - you really do feel more of a connection when you see the farm!! It was so great to meet the people that do the work and see how they collect the produce and pack it up. The hardest part was making the long drive out there - but it was totally worth it! Hope you get out to your farm soon! :)

Fish Oil for Kids

Oh What's that Plant and what's that fruit? At the 2nd and 3rd photo..^_^

Minnesota CSA

This is the perfect time of year to be a CSA member! We love seeing our members out to events like these and it allows you to really get a connection with your farm. There is nothing quite like seeing exactly where your food comes from. Us farmers sometimes forget that feeling, but to see the faces of our members as they explore reminds us of one of the reasons we started our CSA's in the first place. Enjoy the rest of your season!


Thanks for your comment Minnesota CSA! Good luck with the rest of your season too!

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