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January 24, 2011


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I've been lusting after a Penguin Soda Stream! Like you, I'm not a regular purchaser of soda, but I really love fizzy water.


I would absolutely LOVE one of these. Bottled water has been banned for years, we don't drink much soda either so a soda stream would be great fun for the whole family! (Also follow and subscribe too!). Thanks!!

Raising Green Richmond Kids

we are soda people at our house. I would love to have less waste and it looks like a fun way to get kids involved.


For making our own seltzer water!!! I try not to buy too much of it, just due to packaging waste, but yet, it can be such a treat. And so much better for you than soda, though making your own soda would be quite fun! I've been looking at these, but really can't afford it at the moment (the upfront cost, at least).


We have people over a lot and most people are fairly used to our standard party offerings of non-disposable plates and cloth napkins with pitchers of lemonade, juice, iced tea or water. I don't buy little disposable bottles of things so this would definitely spice up my beverage choices (especially when I'm hosting parties for my husband's huge family, who seem to think that diet soda should have its own place on the food pyramid). I'm always looking for ways to show people that just because I am a 'crazy hippie' doesn't mean my parties have to suck. This would be a good one!


I have been researching this product and really wanted one. My hubby is not quite as green as I am and thinks it is a waste. I would love to get one and prove how awesome it is.


I follow you on twitter.


I had hoped to get one of these for Christmas but no such luck. I love the idea of adding fizz to juice and flavored waters and cut down (and eventually eliminate) soda consumption in our house.

Sareen D

It was on my christmas list, but apparently santa didn't think I was good this year. I won't buy anything in a plastic bottle, and the decaf, non-soda aluminum options are limited. this would be AMAZING for me.

Sareen D

I also follow on twitter.


I have been wanting one of these since the first time I saw the cheaper version at BB&B. I can only imagine the fun that my 3 year old would have helping me make pop!


I use Google Reader to subscribe to your blog :-)


This would be awesome to win as my hubby does like soda, but not with all the garbage! Would be great for my son, too as he gets older :-p


I follow you on Twitter (NavyFamily06)


I would love one - we actually don't drink soda but we fizz up fresh squeezed fruit juice a lot and I have been trying to talk my husband into letting me get one so we don't have to recycle all the water bottles (fizzy - not regular bottled). I feel like next to a water filter this would eliminate about the last of the bottles that come into the house - plus it would be fun to come up with new drinks to try.


follow you on twitter


rss feed on my google :)


Oh my... I somehow have not seen this product before, and it looks fantastic! We are big sparkling water drinkers and also drink some soda. It would be amazing to not lug a large trash bag full of crushed cans down to the recycling bin at our local park every week. (OK, if I'm being honest, it's more like a carful a month, especially now that it's snowy!)


Also signed up for email.


Ooooh, my in-laws got a Soda Stream this Christmas and I LOVE it! I am a big sparking water fan, but I do try to not succumb too often, I can only find it in 20 oz plastic bottles at the market in my tiny, rural town. I have been yearning for a Penguin of my own!


My son absolutely LOVES "bubble water" (sparkling water with flavor essences - not sweetened soda)! I hate buying the bottles, because of expense, waste, and having to lug them home (usually shop on foot), but we get enough that he can at least have it as a treat on the weekends. My kids just turned four on Saturday and this would make an awesome belated birthday gift for him!


I subscribe via RSS.


And I follow you on Twitter @devarim


My husband likes soda and fizzy water. I hate the waste. A Sodastream would bring harmony to our kitchen and recycling bin.


I follow you on Twitter.@condoblues

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