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April 01, 2011


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Thanks for sharing this. I checked out the list of things to do to reduce your BPA exposure on the link you provided and I was quite excited to see that we already do all of them!! It's a good reminder of one of the reasons it's worth it to take the extra time to cook from fresh ingredients etc.


thanks for the info...i am all for living healthy :)

if it's not too much to ask, please visit my site and it will really be encouraging to hear what you have to say... or rather, to read what you have to write. not to mention the wisdom you can share with my kiddos.



Sarah - how great that you are already working to reduce your exposure to BPA. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to worry about these things and we could trust that the products we buy are safe? That's why we need toxic chemical reform!!


We are big coconut milk fans...do you happen to know if there's another way coconut milk is packaged that doesn't use a can? Do co-ops usually sell in this format? Or where might we get coconut milk guaranteed to be BPA-free?
Thanks for any info!

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