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July 11, 2011


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Yosefa @nonrecipe

Can you give them back the box to reuse? It looks great, but it's a lot of packaging for a "green" product.

Ruth Pfeiffer

I have never heard of Fruit Share but I think I will look into it. We love fruit and it is so expensive in the stores. Is it reasonably priced through this program?


Ruth - the basic mixed fruit box is $29 (delivery included) and contains 12 - 15 pieces of fruit. Considering that it's certified organic and delivered to your door - I think it's a great value!

Yosefa - Good question about the box. I bet they would take it back from local clients but I doubt they have a way to do that for out of town clients. The boxes can be recycled of course!


This sounds like a great idea... can you do one box at a time or do you have to subscribe to a monthly delivery?


Hi Danielle - yes, you can purchase 1 box at a time. They make great gifts!


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