« Top 10 Snack Bags & Sandwich Boxes for a Waste-Free Lunch | Main | Green Moms Go Back-to-School! »

August 18, 2011


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beth titus

i always use containers for my kids lunch


Ohhh...waste free lunch packing? I grew up taking my own utensils with lunch and just bringing home to wash. Also, packing fruit like apples and bananas is a no waste option (except for the core and peel!).


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My best waste free lunch tip is to send real spoons. The kids actually bring them back, to my surprise. :)


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My waste free lunch tip is to wrap the sandwich in the cloth napkin. No baggies on sandwich and no paper towels!


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I'm working on being more "waste-free"...but last year I gave up on juice boxes and only send a thermos...word of warning though...You need to replace it every few months...that thing gets gross...even with daily washings! Parts of her "Hannah Montana" thermos straw just wouldn't come clean!


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My kids love that I made them cloth napkins, they pick out the one they want every morning before we pack lunches. They fit their personality and they dont go in the trash!


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Lots of reusable snack containers! Saves money, too, since bulk is cheaper than snack packs.


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I learned to frozen juices from internet it worked and it kept cold since I tried it. I'd like to try your since on Monday I started cold lunch and wants to save money to see how it goes this year and it is my first time. My son seems doesn't have problem with it which is good. :-)


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Waste free lunch tip: I stopped buying juice boxes and use thermos & send real utensils with the kiddos.


i have a reusable sandwich container for my son that i can write notes on with a dry erase pen. he loves getting the notes at lunch! i'm also subscribe to email and a FB fan!


I bring my own silverware and bring home whatever compostables I can. I use glass containers with my food in them and put my carrot tops and apple cores, etc. In them to bring home and throw in the composter.

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