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November 11, 2011


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Suzanne Holt

My family and I spend a lot of time in the woods Spring through Fall. What isn't wonderful about the woods? It is so refreshing and tranquil. The small of the air, the sounds of birds and crickets, it's all heaven! And the best part is it's all natural!

Radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.


Hi Suzanne - Happy to connect with someone else who loves the woods as much as I do! :)



I so agree that certain scents evoke memories of days and years past. Our sense of smell is so powerful! I used to use candles but never liked the smoke or soot that was left behind. After my son was old enough to be "everywhere at once" I decided the candles had to go. Not long after, I found a way to have my wonderful scents by candles without the flame, smoke and soot. Once again I can have my candles without sacrificing the health and safety of my family and home.


Hi Lisa - I agree it's nice to have a pretty scent in your home sometimes - but without the toxic chemicals or soot!

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