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June 07, 2012


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Emily @Random Recycling

We could use more glass containers and some additional lunch storage for the beach!


I'd use the gift certificate to buy glass food storage containers (the ones with the bright lids) and some kid supplies - playsilks, beeswax crayons and the colored wood building blocks. Thanks!

Melanie Gaffin

What a fabulous site and terrific giveaway! I would love to try out the yoga products, (*mats) travel cups, reusable bags and shopping bags, candles, and so much more!! Hope to share the love w friends. Thanks so much!!!


I would use it to get some organic cotton baby clothes


Would love this to buy safer cookware for my family!!


I would love the cast iron wok...the one we have is stainless and everything sticks to it!


I would buy safer cookware for my family!

Good Girl Gone Green

Congrats on the new sponsor! I would buy little E that Wooden Stir Xylophone/Drum. SO cute! :)


I would definitely get some cast iron cookware pieces. I am transforming my kitchen away from plastic and non-stick... This would be perfect!

Sarah H

So tough! I'd love a Dutch oven, but my practical side would probably get lunch and bath stuff for the kids. So glad to learn about this site.

Maria R

I would love that wok but also safer kitchen items to replace the ones I have now.

Kim Schenz

I would use a gift certificate to update our food storage containers to glass. Some cast iron cookware would be awesome too!

sam james

I want to switch to all glasd storage. Thats how i would use a gift card. Plus a little fun thing for the kids. Oh and re useable sandwich bags for hubby's lunch.
sam James
[email protected]

Allison at Funny Shade of Green

I just bought my 10 month old glass toddle cups from Mighty Nest and love them. I would use the cert to buy more. And maybe a few natural toys as well!

PS - I really appreciate Might Nest's use of recyclable packing paper in their boxes, too!

Rachael Wendt

My family is trying to cook more with cast iron. It's been a bit of an adventure, though, trying to get our one current skillet perfectly seasoned. I read that if you do it right, your skillet can be so non-stick that you can cook runny eggs! That's my goal.

Tiffany (NatureMom)

Stainless ice cube molds!

Michelle S.

I could use some new cookware. Though I would probably spend it on the baby!

cassandra (rab pom)

I would definitely buy the yoga essentials kit.
fb; rab pom

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