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August 27, 2012


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Karen Hanrahan

Wow - this is such an impressive and resourceful gathering of posts! Has green moms carnival really been around 5 years already? Thanks for hosting us!!


What a great list. I love Gretchen's entry since it is the typical going back to school post. Great job of condensing all this green goodness!

Tiffany (NatureMom)

Great list! Thanks for putting this resource together. :)

Diane MacEachern

What a terrific overview. I learned so much from reading all these posts! And much of the guidance is useful whether it's for back-to-school or day-to-day living. Thanks so much, Micaela.


I agree Diane - there is always something new to learn! Even for those of us who have been working on living green for many years!

Brenna @ Almost All The Truth

This is such a great round-up of posts! everything brought something valuable for the back-to-school season. We start in one week!


What an incredible resource for parents. Thanks so much for rounding up all these posts!

Desiree (www.greenmomster.org)

I find the baggie dryers to be a must-have to reduce lunch bag waste: http://www.greenmomster.org/2012/06/greening-those-plastic-baggies.html.

Emily @Random Recycling

So many awesome articles! Thanks for pulling them all together and including me. Can't wait to start reading.


Great tips from all!! Thanks for including me!


Desiree - I've been thinking about getting a baggie dryer. I don't use many plastic baggies but I always wash and reuse those that I have. Plus you can use them to wash reusable bags too, right?

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