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December 13, 2012


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I'd buy the fragrance free deluxe travel set. Love that they have both fragrance and fragrance free stuff!

Tabitha P.

I'd buy the DO Naturals Detangler - Just Berry 8oz


I'd probably buy the Diva set :)

Debbie G.

Lots of Simply Citrus and Just Berry lotion. We LOVE both!


Oh I wold buy anything with Lavender! I love fragnrance free for my kids though. Hmmm

Wendy Vor

Tear-free Baby Shampoo would come in handy for my son, who fusses over his current shampoo

Jessica Rother

The detangler for my 3 year old and baby products for our second baby thats on the way!


I would stock up on the simply citrus shampoo, conditioner and bubble bath!

kelly D

I like the Ready-to-Go Travel Set Norfolk Lavender


I like the Do Naturals gift set; I have a perfect teen who would love it!


I would get their citrus lotion and some lavender for my daughter. I would like to try a couple of products from theiri new line as well, I love Dolphin Organics!!!

Brooke palmer

I would buy the diva gift set!


I would buy the Hypo-Allergenic Lotion-Norfolk Lavender 8 ounces!

Jennifer Allen

I would buy the Do Naturals set for my picky daughter!

Lori Popkewitz Alper


Wendy Vor

coupon code MMFIVE did not work


I would love to try the bubble bath for my kids sensitive skin


I like the Norfolk Lavender Gift Set...
Thanks, Cindi

Ginger G.

The simply citrus set!


I would buy a few bottles of Shampoo & Body Wash - Norfolk Lavender


The citrus conditioner and the sunscreen.


I would get the DO Naturals Sunscreen SPF32!


We'd love to try the detangler!


A supply of the baby wash for my grandchildren!

Jessica Z

Id like to try the moisturizer

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