As someone who has lived in the same home for over 20 years, I can honestly say I'm a stay-put kinda gal. If the place meets my basic needs and I'm comfortable, I may do some remodeling along the way, but I'm not going anywhere!
For quite some time now, I've been wanting to do a little remodeling on my blog - you know, spiff it up a bit - but sadly, most of the things I wanted to change or add weren't available on my blogging platform. Typepad has been my blog home for over 6 years but the problem is, they just haven't kept up with the competition. I got so tired of hearing about cool new blogging bells & whistles only to find out they don't work for Typepad. Bottom line is, I'm just not happy here anymore so it's time to move!
I feel very fortunate to have Alicia from The Soft Landing, helping me make the transition! We're busy packing up our suitcases, loading them into the U-Haul and driving across town. That's why you won't see much of me this week. If all goes well, my new site will be revealed later this week or early next week!
I hope you'll join me over at my new Wordpress home - I can't wait to show you around!
photo credit: mrjoro via photopin cc